Adopting Older Pets –

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  • Older dogs and cats in shelters are often the last to find homes, and the first to be euthanized
  • There are many reasons older pets are relinquished to shelters; there are also many reasons prospective adopters tend to steer clear of them
  • If you’re planning to add a new dog or cat to the family, I hope you’ll consider the many wonderful benefits of adopting a senior pet
  • Fortunately, as pets enter their golden years, there is much we can do to optimize their health, happiness, and quality of life
  • Caring for older pets’ oral health, feeding a fresh food diet that includes high-quality protein, and insuring they get regular physical and mental stimulation are just some of the ways we can help our aging animal companions thrive in their senior years

Animal shelters across the U.S. are full of pets of all shapes, sizes, breeds, and ages, but sadly, older dogs and cats are often among the last to find homes.


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