I heard a story about a minster who was walking down the street and saw a group of boys standing around a dog. The minister thought they might be thinking about hurting the dog, so he approached them and said, “Boys, what are you doing to that dog?”
“Well, pastor, we all love this dog,” one of the boys explained. “We all want to take him home, but only one of us can do it. So we figured that whoever here tells the biggest lie gets to take the dog home.”
Outraged by such a thing, the minister said, “How dare you? That is so wrong. Don’t you know the Bible says that lying is a sin?” He went on to give them a little sermon. Then he concluded by telling them, “When I was a boy, I never told a lie.”
The boys looked at each other for a moment and said, “OK … he gets the dog.”
Everyone has lied. And we learn very early in life how to deceive. We learn how to deceive before we can even talk, like the baby who discovers that if he screams loud enough, his parents will rush into the room – even if there is nothing wrong. Then it is all downhill from there.
When the homework isn’t done, the child says, “The dog ate my homework.” (Do dogs ever eat homework – ever?)
Read More: A revolutionary idea: Tell the truth
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