A Priceless Find – Guideposts

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I’ve always enjoyed rummage sales, antique shops, flea markets, and garage sales. Whenever I go to one, my eyes inevitably drift over to the jewelry. Not because I need any fancy things, but because I’m “looking” for a bracelet that had been given to me by my parents when I was a young lady. It was a beautiful gold link bracelet with delicately carved pink flowers. For years, I wore it for dressy occasions—before I lost it. Of course, I never saw anything that quite compared, but I could hope, couldn’t I?


Recently, my husband Roger and I were on vacation in Walla Walla, Washington, visiting our alma mater, Whitman College. We had decided to attend one of two churches in town, depending on what time we got up. Since we arose early, we walked to the church with the earlier service.


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