A Prayer for Power | Guideposts

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The man from Georgia Power climbed out of his truck and walked up to the utility pole. He fiddled with our electric meter for a few moments, and just like that, turned off our electricity. I watched it all from the doorstep of our old, singlewide trailer, feeling like my faith had been switched off too. For days I’d prayed for something, anything, to help us pay our bill before this happened. It hadn’t mattered.


I was a single parent with three kids, unemployed after I returned from a stint in the Army, and money had been tight. Our electric bill was only so sky-high in the first place because of the sweltering summer heat. Now we couldn’t even turn on a fan. With the gas stove, we could continue to cook—but forget about keeping food in the fridge. How would the kids and I get by?


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