A Peek Inside the Gate – Guideposts

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My son, Matt, was diagnosed with leukemia at the end of April 2001. He was 16 years old. We made the trip from our home in Louisiana and checked him into St. Jude Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, for chemotherapy.


Prayer sustained Matt—and our entire family—through those brutal months. No matter what happened, Matt kept an unshakable faith that God would heal him. After several chemo treatments and a stem-cell transplant from his father, the leukemia seemed to go into remission.


Matt stayed at St. Jude so that his health could be monitored, but I slowly got used to the idea that God had performed a miracle. He had saved my son.


If only. In December, Matt relapsed. I knew that his chances of recovering again were slim at best. Matt knew it too. He never talked about it, though. Instead, we all tried our best to be hopeful and upbeat.


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