A nurse speaks out – by Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths

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She started off emailing about the deliberate undercounting of vaccinated Covid patients, but she wound up saying much more.


This email came in a few days ago, after the Stack about the way hospitals misclassify vaccinated patients with Covid as unvaccinated to make the vaccines look better. It is raw and real, a cry from a nurse who is incredibly frustrated by what she’s seen since 2020.


I asked her if I could run it, and she graciously agreed. (She followed up with another, even more personal email about side effects some mRNA-jabbed colleagues are now suffering, but that contains medical information too private to share.)


I have confirmed her identity, but she has asked not to be further identified (she works in a deep blue state, and she fears for her job if she is found out).


I have edited only for a couple of tiny copy editing fixes. These are HER words, HER pain.


Hi Alex –


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