A Mysterious Stranger At The Mall Gives Words Of Encouragement | Guideposts

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Job Search Solution, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Getting to Yes. The more I flipped through the titles on the shelves at the mall bookstore, the more depressed I got.


Why had I migrated to the self-help section? I’d come to the mall for an escape, a few moments to not have to think about the job I desperately needed, my dwindling bank account, my wife’s medical expenses. But everywhere I looked I was reminded of my troubles.


I’d done everything I could. Tried every way I could think of to get my name out there, sent out dozens of resumes, made follow-up calls, haunted the job placement office. Nothing. There was no getting around it. I was in a bad way. The pressure weighed on me from the moment I woke in the morning until I went to bed at night. I was a loser, a failure. No book was going to change that.


How could this have happened? I thought, retreating to the history section. It was just one mistake. Well, two, actually.


Read More: A Heaven-Sent Angel At The Mall | Guideposts