A Heavenly Matchmaker – Guideposts

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Sherrod Vaughn. Had there ever been a more melodious name? Not to my ears! I was reading the Newport News Daily Press over breakfast when I came across an article about a graduating senior at Ohio State University—a senior named Sherrod Vaughn. I had to know more!


According to the article, Sherrod was coming back home to Virginia for the summer to teach a life-saving course at one of our country clubs. A lifeguard! How brave!


I was a graduating senior too, but in high school. Sitting at my desk in math class that morning, I barely heard a word the teacher said. I looked studi­ous enough, writing in my notebook. But instead of taking notes, I was doodling hearts and spinning a fancy about the boy with the dreamy name.


Someday, somehow I would share it with him. Mrs. Sherrod Vaughn. I liked the sound of that even better, and doodled my way into summer vacation.


Read More: A Heavenly Matchmaker – Guideposts