A Heaven Sent Cabin – Guideposts

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Our new house was at the end of the world. That’s what I thought the first day my family rolled up to our cabin in the Cahuilla Hills of Palm Desert, California. No more green trees, no more breezes off the sea like on the coast where we used to live. No more neighbors close by, corner store or mall. Nothing but brown sand. “Everything’s dirty and dead,” I announced to my parents and carload of siblings.


“Look carefully,” Dad said. “The desert is full of life. It’s just secret life.”


I didn’t see how anything could survive out in a place like this, much less keep secrets, but I took Dad’s advice. Upon closer inspection of our new homestead I noticed a patch of wild daisies jutting up from the sand. A sparrow flew overhead. A lizard scurried over the dark purple rocks. Who knows what else I might find? This place was full of secrets, and I wanted to know them all!


One spring day Dad took my brother Mark and me on a hike down the road. We walked almost to the end of the canyon. The earth was dry and brown. But then, like a beautiful dream, there was an oasis: a running stream of crystal-clear water, surrounded by chartreuse grass and baby palm trees, right in the middle of the desert. It was like magic.


“How did the water get way out here?” I asked, splashing some on my face.


Read More: The Desert’s Best Secret – Guideposts