A Dirty Little Secret: Your “Organic” Strawberries Aren’t Really Organic

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By Paul Fassa

Source: A Dirty Little Secret: Your “Organic” Strawberries Aren’t Really Organic For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com.

by PAUL FASSA Shock! Certified organic strawberries aren’t so organic after all. Although organic strawberries sell for 50% to 100% more than conventional berries, organic strawberries are fumigated with toxic chemicals, including methyl bromide, at the beginning stages of their life-cycle. Methyl bromide, is used to sterilize the soil before strawberries are planted. It’s […]

Source: A Dirty Little Secret: Your “Organic” Strawberries Aren’t Really Organic Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and …read more

Read more here: realfarmacy.com


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