Russia Is Ready For War! Vostok 2018 Simulated World War III With Two Nuclear Strikes Upon America Within One Week

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“I do not necessarily agree with every point in this article but it clearly shows that Russia/China are preparing for a nuclear strike on the US with, in my opinion, a subsequent land invasion as many have seen in dreams and visions from God. Exactly when and under what circumstances this attack will be launched is for now unknown but things are certainly heating up.”  Admin

The real threat from Russia is not to elections, but to our lives.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu describes their recent massive military exercise VOSTOK-18 as involving 300,000 troops, 36,000 tanks and other vehicles, 1,000 aircraft, 80 ships, and joint military operations with China.

VOSTOK-18 is the largest rehearsal of World War III in the 21st century, as big as ZAPAD-81, the then-USSR’s biggest military exercise simulating invasion of NATO during the height of the Cold War, nearly 40 years ago.

Yet Democrats and the liberal media, hysterical over preposterous allegations Russia “hacking the elections” poses an existential threat to our constitutional republic, hypocritically oppose President Trump’s modernization of U.S. nuclear and conventional forces to deter Russia’s war machine — the real threat.

Read More: Russia Is Ready For War! Vostok 2018 Simulated World War III With Two Nuclear Strikes Upon America Within One Week