RV Water Tanks May Cause Avoidable Legionella Infections

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By Michele Boyer

A study done by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on RVs showed that Legionella pneumophila was cultured from 24% (4 of 17) of RV faucets, 9% (1 of 11) of RV water tanks, and 20% (4 of 20) of RVs from three different campsites. While these study sized don’t seem significant, consider the dire seriousness of contracting a Legionella pneumonia. This is a summary of that study. Below is a link to the entire article.

RV travel has become more popular over the last 25 years. Consequently, Legionella has increased its potential to become a serious health problem. But, it’s …read more

Source: blogs.naturalnews.com


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