God Transforms Viktor from Drug Dealer to Secret Pastor In Central Asia – Open Doors USA

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While many would consider their twenties an adventurous stage of life, Viktor’s story takes that theme to new extremes. Like many this age, he moved away from home and began exploring a new trade. Unfortunately, however, Viktor’s trade of choice was smuggling illegal drugs in Central Asia.


At first, Viktor’s early adult years were filled with adrenaline and adventure. Viktor led an operation that ran drugs from Tajikstan to the state where he lives in Central Asia. He seemed to have natural abilities to covertly network across communities. Viktor’s success rate, in fact, was so high that he was offered the chance to smuggle drugs across the Afghanistan border as well, which would’ve expanded his operation into 3 countries. But in 1996, things went south when Viktor was caught with 4 kilo–or almost 9 pounds–of heroine on him.


He was immediately arrested and jailed.


It was in jail, as one might expect, that Viktor’s life took a turn for the worst. As his sentence wore on, Viktor described how his state of mind deteriorated. “I felt empty inside and did not want to live anymore. I did not know how long I would be in jail.”


Read More: In Central Asia, God Transforms Viktor from Drug Dealer to Secret Pastor – Open Doors USA

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