Nutritional & Tasty Turmeric-Ginger Ice Tea Good For Your Heart, Brain and Immune System

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By Beverly Entin

Turmeric, this amazing spice has been used in India for more than 2500 years. And more and more studies have found its benefits to health, from treating various diseases to improving organs’ functions.

Here is a list of the remarkable health benefits of using turmeric regularly:

  1. Prevents cancer, especially effective for preventing prostate and skin cancer;
  2. Boosts brain function and prevents Alzheimer’s disease;
  3. Good for your eyes;
  4. Aids in weight loss;
  5. Acts as a natural painkiller due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties; (11 Healthy Foods That Can Block Inflammation and Ease Pain)
  6. Protects your liver from damage;
  7. Prevents Parkinson’s disease;
  8. Cures depression;
  9. Cures skin and dental problems …read more

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