The Products that Make Men Grow Breasts, Linked to Cancers of the Prostate and Liver

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By REALdeal

Source: The Products that Make Men Grow Breasts, Linked to Cancers of the Prostate and Liver For more content like this visit

BY ANYA V Owned by Unilever, the Axe brand includes a range of men’s grooming products with many of the ingredients never even tested for safety according to the C.I.R. – Cosmetic Ingredient Review. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Axe products are loaded with endocrine disrupting chemicals. Endocrine disruptorsare exogenous, synthetic chemicals that have hormone-like effects on both humans […]

Source: The Products that Make Men Grow Breasts, Linked to Cancers of the Prostate and …read more

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