What Happens In Your Body When You Eat Pomegranate – Health Secrets of This Ancient Fruit

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By Alex Jordon

There are lots of evidence-based benefits of pomegranate, this fruit can help lower the risk of many diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s and even cancer.

When you eat pomegranate, it will lower the risk of cancer, especially effective for breast and prostate cancer. According to researches:

1. Pomegranate contains natural aromatase inhibitors, which can inhibit the production of estrogen, thus reducing the risk of breast cancer.

2. Studies (S1) have found that consume pomegranate juice slowed the increase in PSA after the treatment for prostate cancer.

3. Thanks to the anti-angiogenic effect of it, pomegranate has ability to prevent the tumors growing larger.

Pomegranate helps …read more

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