Pharmacist Speaks Out: Get Off Prescription Drugs, Avoid Vaccines – The People’s Chemist

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“Excellent article featuring an interview with a pharmacist on vaccines, western medicine, the pharmaceutical industry and more. Good read.” Admin

You gotta meet Margaret*.  I changed her name to protect her privacy.  She recently emailed me to vent against Western Medicine’s push to get everyone hooked on drugs and stab kids with risky, ineffective vaccines!  Interestingly enough, she has seen medicine from an angle that most people aren’t privy too. 

Margaret is a pharmacist.  With a Pharmacy (PharmD) degree, and over two decades working in the field of pharmacy, she’s seen firsthand how “guideline-driven” medicine has artificially forced every patient into the same clinical box, thereby hooking them on drugs. The result is that “Doctors don’t THINK anymore — they just do what they’re told, which is to put people on meds. So many people in medicine (doctors, nurses, pharmacists) don’t really question anything,” says Margaret. “They’re so busy that they just do what the ‘guidelines’ say to do, rather than look at individuals and what makes sense.”

A former employee of a major pharmaceutical company, Margaret left her job so she could spend more time with her family. At the time, she questioned her former employer’s “huge marketing budget” and now believes the marketing of drugs to the general public — along with guidelines-driven medicine — needs to stop.

“We never get the flu shot,” she adds, referring to herself and her family. “I’ve read the entire package insert and can take on anyone who tries to tell me that it is useful with just that information alone. My years in pharma taught me just how clinical trials are designed to show the planned outcome — they aren’t real studies at all.”

Read More: Pharmacist Speaks Out: Get Off Prescription Drugs, Avoid Vaccines – The People’s Chemist

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