The Real Likelihood of a Nuclear War — Paul Craig Roberts –

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“We know for certain there will be a nuclear attack on the US by Russia based on the dreams and visions people have had of this event. What we don’t know is when and exactly what will trigger it. Get right with God if you are not, we are living in very dangerous times.”  Admin

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, who served as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration, shares his view that there is a real likelihood of a nuclear war breaking out. Below are the main points covered in this radio programme.

“Firstly there is the Wolfowitz doctrine, which basically makes it clear that the United States should prevent the rise of any state that could present sufficient power to threaten American unilateral action. Russia has risen and has displayed such power. This is the reason for the constant demonisation of Russia’s leader. We have the number one candidate for the democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton, who now compares the President of Russia with Hitler. So what has happened is that every American president during my lifetime, especially Nixon and Reagan, worked to create trust between the two major nuclear powers. But beginning with the Clinton regime, the trust that had been achieved was progressively destroyed.”

Read More: The Real Likelihood of a Nuclear War — Paul Craig Roberts –