Homemade Syrup That Cures Cough & Ejects Phlegm From The Lungs Of Children & Adults

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By Sherice

Carrots are one of the healthiest vegetables – and they’re a great source of vitamin A & carotene which are important for the health of your eyes. Carrot is rich in alkaline elements which purify and revitalize the blood. They nourish the entire system and help in the maintenance of acid-alkaline balance in the body. The carrot also has a reputation as a vegetable that helps to maintain good eyesight.

Eating carrots is also good for allergies, aneamia, rheumatism, tonic for the nervous system. Carrot is good for diarrhoea, constipation , intestinal inflammation, cleansing the blood , an immune system tonic.

Carrot …read more

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