Do We Need More Cholesterol-Lowering Medications?

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By Admin – Orissa

by Dr. Brownstein
Holistic Medicine

Do we need more cholesterol-lowering medications? Big Pharma thinks so.

A new class of cholesterol-lowering medications called PCSK9 inhibitors is being unleashed on us. PCSK9 inhibitors are monoclonal antibodies. PCSK9 can bind to LDL-cholesterol receptors on the cell walls. Once the PCSK9 binds to the LDL-cholesterol receptor, the complex is absorbed into the cell and broken down. Therefore, circulating LDL-cholesterol cannot enter the cell and will rise in the serum. When PCSK9 inhibitors block this reaction, the LDL-cholesterol receptors will bind the circulating LDL-cholesterol, lowering serum cholesterol …read more

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