Magnesium — A Key Nutrient for Health and Disease Prevention

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By Admin – Orissa

by Dr. Mercola

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body. More than 3,750 magnesium-binding sites have been detected on human proteins,1 and it’s required for more than 300 different enzymes in your body.

In short, magnesium plays an important role in a wide variety of biochemical processes, including the following:

  • Creation of ATP2,3 (adenosine triphospate), the energy molecules of your body
  • Action of your heart muscle
  • Proper formation of bones and teeth
  • Relaxation of blood vessels
  • Regulation of blood sugar levels
  • Activating muscles and nerves
  • Helping digest proteins, carbohydrates, and fats
  • Serving as a cofactor for RNA …read more

    Read more here: Health Impact News


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