U.S. Workers Sue Monsanto Claiming Herbicide Caused Cancer. More Lawsuits Expected to Follow

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By REALdeal

Source: U.S. Workers Sue Monsanto Claiming Herbicide Caused Cancer. More Lawsuits Expected to Follow For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com.

A U.S. farm worker and a horticultural assistant have filed lawsuits claiming Monsanto Co.’s Roundup herbicide caused their cancers and Monsanto intentionally misled the public and regulators about the dangers of the herbicide. The lawsuits come six months after the World Health Organization’s cancer research unit said it was classifying glyphosate, the active weed-killing ingredient [&hellip

Source: U.S. Workers Sue Monsanto Claiming Herbicide Caused Cancer. More Lawsuits Expected to Follow Learn more at <a class="colorbox" rel="nofollow" …read more

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