Statistician: Data proves biblical financial collapse timing

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“Won’t have long to wait to see how this pans out.”  Admin

Get ready – because the best of times are over and the worst of times may have just begun.

That is the assessment of a Florida mathematician who has studied the biblical Shemitah cycle as it applies to the financial markets.

Thomas Pound is an educator and mathematician who applies his statistical wizardry to the markets.

The Dow fell another 468 points, or 3 percent, Tuesday, providing fresh evidence for investors the sell-off which began in August was no mirage. It is likely to continue in September.

Only eight more trading days remain until the dreaded Elul 29, which is the final day of the Shemitah year, known as “wipe out day” on the Hebrew calendar.

Since Elul 29 falls on a Sunday, Sept. 13, when the markets are closed, the rest of this week and the following week could bring the most devastating losses. Another theory is that the period of Sept. 14-28 right after Elul 29 and leading up to a scheduled blood moon (on Sept. 27-28) could be worth watching.

Proof in the numbers

Several years ago, Pound corresponded with a financial adviser who was using a decennial analysis to determine which years were optimum for investor returns. According to the theory behind decennial analysis, which was first proposed in the book “Irrational Exuberance” by Yale Economics professor Robert Shiller, years ending in the number eight yielded better returns than other years, according to the Israeli publication Breaking Israel News. Years that ending in seven were less lucrative.

Armed with 144 years of market data going back to 1871, Pound set out to test the validity of this theory. As Pound explained to Breaking Israel News, “Being a statistician, if somebody makes a claim, then statistically, it should hold up.”

Read More: Statistician: Data proves biblical financial collapse