TPP Trade Agreement Sleight of Hand: It Was Soooo Easy to Distract The American People With A Confederate Flag Flap and then Sell Us Into Slavery Again! | Economics and Politics

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“Article includes 2 short videos by Robert Reich and Elizabeth Warren on the dangers of TPP.”  Admin

While America was distracted by a contrived, pre-planned Confederate flag distraction, the U.S. Congress forfeited the entire American economic future by quietly passing so-called “fast-track authority” which will allow President Obama to approve the TPP “free trade” agreement.

The TPP, as you may have heard, outright surrenders U.S. sovereignty to multinational corporations, handing them total global monopolies over labor practices, immigration, Big Pharma drug pricing, GMO food labeling, criminalization of garden seeds and much more. In all, the TPP hands over control of 80% of the U.S. economy to global monopolists, and the TPP is set up to enable those corporations to engage in virtually unlimited toxic chemical pollution, medical monopolization, the gutting of labor safety laws and much more.

Plus, did I mention the TPP will displace millions of American works as corporations outsource jobs to foreign workers? While corporations rake in the profits from new global powers, everyday American workers will lose their livelihoods and their jobs (not to mention their pensions).

Read More  TPP Trade Agreement Sleight of Hand: It Was Soooo Easy to Distract The American People With A Confederate Flag Flap and then Sell Us Into Slavery Again! | Economics and Politics.