7 Toxins that Destroy Your Thyroid! Homemade Miraculous Thyroid Drink

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By jeery park

The thyroid gland is the body’s master controller. It controls how the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body is to other hormones.

Hormonal output from the thyroid is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) produced by the anterior pituitary. Most doctors only look at the TSH level when testing for thyroid issues. Unfortunately, this only tells a small part of how your hormones are functioning.

There are many things that can affect how your thyroid functions. Here is an article from OrganicHealth.co that lists 9 ordinary household items that can destroy your thyroid.

The Dangers of Thyroid Toxins
Toxins are …read more

Read more here: blogs.naturalnews.com


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