How to Get Rid of “Chicken Skin”–AKA Keratosis Pilaris–Naturally

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By Rachel Pontillo/Lauri Shea, LE, Holistically Haute

Have you ever noticed dry, rough, sometimes red, tiny bumps on the backs of your arms, thighs, knees, or buttocks? You scrub, and moisturize regularly, but they still don’t go away?

In today’s post, guest author and licensed aesthetician Lauri Shea, LE shares her insight and personal experience in managing Keratosis Pilaris (KP)–also commonly referred to as “chicken skin”–and then shares a simple, yet effective DIY recipe you can try to help improve the appearance of this condition. At the end, I’ll give some additional holistic measures …read more

Read more here: Natural Blaze


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