Evolution in Pop Culture with Carl Kerby – Part 2 of 3

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Please watch this presentation by Carl Kerby of Answers in Genesis as he explains how indoctrinated our culture is with Evolution. Public schools, Hollywood movies, even cartoons, wrongly teach that Darwin’s “theory” of Evolution (molecules to man) is a proven scientific “fact”. That is simply not the case at all.

Christians who hold to a proper Biblical worldview not only need to understand what we are up against today, but also what we believe, and why we believe it. To engage the counter culture we also need to be able to provide good strong answers to our secular humanist critics.

This video is free to watch at http://www.answersingenesis.org and is part of their Demolishing Strongholds — DVD Course Study for Teens, but it’s great course for adults too! The entire comprehensive 13-session DVD course can be purchased from the Answers in Genesis Store:


Every Bible believing Christian church should own a copy and be using this material in their study groups.

Also feel free to visit my blog: http://www.belt-of-truth.com

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