Nick Mancuso – A Report From A Victim of Modern Toxicity –

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“Noted Hollywood actor speaks out on the toxic world we live in.”  Admin

It is a rare occasion to find such brutal honesty from a Hollywood celebrity figure, but Nick Mancuso not only tells it like it is but exposes the entire myth to why disease rates are mounting to pandemic proportions. Who do we hold responsible for societies catastrophes? Do we just attribute the disease process to modern times or do we examine the issues under a microscope and say enough is enough and demand a change.

This is the age of toxicity where common household products can literally kill us. An age where marketers have convinced us that the thousand and one chemical products used in our daily lives from shampoos, to household tiles, from paints and cleaning supplies to perfumes, nail polish and hair sprays, are acceptable. We now all live in the Age of Toxicity. We live in a time where silent killers surround us. Fukushima, Chernobyl, nuclear waste.

We consume radiation poisoning and electro smog with our daily bread and think nothing of it. Perhaps this age should be renamed the age of pesticides and herbicides where Monsanto’s Roundup is now King of The New World Order, where GMOs are routinely accepted and used, where almost every Big Pharma product from aspirin to anti-cholesterol drugs can destroy us.

The Age of Anxiety has a reason for anxiety. But this is also the Age of The Lie. The biggest lie of all is that there are tolerable limits to this literal invasion of poisons, and the lie bigger than all of them are that because of these products we have the greatest quality of life, in the History of Mankind. Madison Ave has done a great job. We have been conned by the madmen of our time.

For days now I have been crawling out of my skin, due to a toxic exposure to the fumes emitted from new tiles recently laid down in the basement of the house I live in. I keep losing my balance, and in constant spider itching pain, am confused and irritated and subject to fits of rage all due to a whiff of an exposure. I had to move out of the house, and now 10 days later I can still feel the effects, irritability, dry skin, weakness in the eyes and body. Mental fog, depression and the inability to think clearly.

Read More  Nick Mancuso – A Report From A Victim of Modern Toxicity.

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