Textbook Misleading Many Seminary and Bible College Students

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By Ken Ham

Recently, AiG researcher and speaker Dr. Terry Mortenson wrote a blog post on a textbook written by a well-known evangelical theologian—a book that is sadly misleading so many evangelical seminary and Bible college students today. I thought it important to bring Dr. Mortenson’s blog to your attention, so it is reprinted below:

Dr. Millard Erickson is one of the greatest evangelical theologians of our generation. In 2013, Erickson published the third edition of his book titled Christian Theology, which is widely used as a textbook in seminaries and Bible colleges in America and other countries. His chapter on creation is no …read more

Read more here: Ken Ham AIG

Category: Current Issues in the World, age of the earth, Christian Theology, college, evolution, intelligent design, Millard Erickson, seminary, Terry Mortenson, textbook