January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel, why does the government appear to want to kill him? * WorldNetDaily * by Alicia Powe

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-“When you read the full extent of what they have done to him you’ll see just how evil this Biden regime is. Please pray that he will get the treatment he needs.” Admin


WASHINGTON – Why does the government appear to want to kill January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel?


Throughout his nearly four years of pretrial detention, Samsel has pleaded – to no avail – with judges and jail staff to allow him the critical, life-saving vascular surgery he was prescribed before his arrest to stop his blood from clotting.


Instead, he developed 17 blood clots throughout his body while being systemically denied medical treatment during his incarceration. Left untreated, the clots morph into blood-flow-obstructing fibroids.


Thus, each day Samsel is refused surgery his life is literally at risk.


Read More: Why does the government appear to want to kill January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel? * WorldNetDaily * by Alicia Powe