Report: U.S. Military Hides Push For Transing Soldiers’ Kids –

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“I don’t like posting this kind of story but it just highlights how vile and wicked the Dems are and how important it is they lose big time in the upcoming elections if we want any chance of turning things around. Please be in prayer for these elections that God will bring to nothing any cheating the Dems plan on using.” Admin

Congressional hearings have not checked Pentagon “diversity, equity and inclusion” policies that include helping soldiers’ kids get life-altering transgender surgeries and hormones without their parents’ knowledge, finds a report out Thursday. The report from OpenTheBooks, a government spending watchdog, also finds the military told Congress and the public it was ending DEI efforts while actually embedding them deeper into U.S. military agencies and establishing a new “DEI Steering Committee.”

The report comes as Congress works on reauthorizing billions in Pentagon spending through the National Defense Authorization Act. Last year’s NDAA continued requiring taxpayers to fund transgender treatments for soldiers and their children. Twenty House Republicans joined all Democrats in defeating a measure to defund drag shows on U.S. military property, despite evidence many are marketed to children.


Read More: Report: U.S. Military Hides Push For Transing Soldiers’ Kids