Homeschooling: Increasingly in the crosshairs –

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Just when you think things can’t get any wackier, things get … well, wackier.


An article came out this week entitled “Policymakers blame homeschools for the mass exodus from public schools.” Yes, educrats are distressed that parents aren’t pleased with public schools. Therefore, in the twisted logic of the district bureaucrats, it’s the fault of homeschooling parents that public schools are failing so badly. If those awful parents didn’t yank their kids out in droves … why, those schools would be flourishing! Thriving! Booming!


Instead, districts are floundering. “If you were to drill down into the individual school districts,” the article notes, “you would see an enrollment loss in specific schools anywhere between 20%-65%. Those numbers are unsustainable.”


Yet if public schools were teaching to high standards of academic excellence, would parents be so eager to remove their children?


Read More: Homeschooling: Increasingly in the crosshairs