‘The greatest crime against humanity’ in history: Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents – LifeSite

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‘So, these are monsters, and there’s no way to avoid concluding that they’re focused on disrupting human reproduction,’ the author conceded about the manufacturers of the COVID jab. ‘It’s ‘a bioweapon and … we’re under attack.’


In an extraordinary speech synthesizing several “headline” discoveries from analyses of thousands of Pfizer documents, Dr. Naomi Wolf presented how the COVID “vaccine” enterprise intentionally sought to not only “disrupt and impair human reproduction” but “attack” and “kill” large numbers of people, particularly in the West.


Wolf, a lifelong Democrat, addressed the conservative citadel of Hillsdale College in March, confessing that events over the last three years “truly imploded” her former world view and that what matters most now is “the Constitution, liberty and freedom.”


Read/Watch: ‘The greatest crime against humanity’ in history: Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents – LifeSite

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