Shocking Animated Short Tells Story of Medical Staffer Who Witnesses Absolute Horror and Quits: ‘It Humanizes the Baby in the Womb’ – Faithwire

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“Though an animated video it still shows quite graphically how the baby is literally torn apart in the womb during the abortion procedure, definitely not a video for kids to watch, and it exposes the lefts contention that the baby is just a mass of tissue as a complete lie.” Admin

A new animated video featuring a medical professional who quit his job after witnessing a graphic abortion procedure is sparking chatter in the pro-life community.


The animated short — “The Procedure,” voiced by “Hercules” actor Kevin Sorbo — was created “in secret by top-level Hollywood animators,” according to LOOR, a soon-to-launch streaming service.


Marcus Pittman, CEO and founder of LOOR TV, told CBN’s Faithwire why the company created the video, and what he’s hoping to accomplish through it. “The Procedure” (graphic content alert: watch here) is part of a six-episode series, a partnership with Laura Klassen and her pro-life organization Choice42.


“It’s based off of this guy’s testimony,” Pittman said, noting the short is predicated on a man’s real-life work in a hospital and his horror witnessing an unborn baby’s abortion death.


The graphic animation shows the killing of a small child in the womb from start to finish. The scenes, which are hard to watch, are intended to draw viewers in so filmmakers can send a message.


Read More: Shocking Animated Short Tells Story of Medical Staffer Who Witnesses Absolute Horror and Quits: ‘It Humanizes the Baby in the Womb’ – Faithwire

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