Homemade Baby Formula and Other Whole Foods for Baby (+Recipe)

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Given the current shortage of commercial baby formula, I would like to share my experience making my own (spoiler alert: my child is thriving), as well as what I feed my infants what I would do if I was in a position of feeding a very young child without adequate breast milk or formula. I know how nerve wracking feeding a baby can be, especially your first one, so for the worried mamas out there I hope this helps you feel confident finding substitutions if you cannot get formula.


Please note, that my qualifications consist of being a mother of three healthy children, I do not have any kind of medical degree nor do I suggest you do exactly what I did, because each child and situation is different.


This past year I made a version of formula for my 9-month-old son because my milk supply became inadequate. I considered giving him formula but I prefer to give my kids whole foods whenever possible and I felt confident I could find in nature what he needed.


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