Scientists Create ‘Contagious’ Vaccines That Spread By Themselves | SGT Report

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“I wouldn’t put it past the government to put something like this to use in the future given it’s increasingly totalitarian nature.” Admin


Since the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, the US government has poured billions of your tax dollars into the vaccine program. More than $9 billion of your tax dollars were given to vaccine companies for research and over $22 billion of your tax dollars were then used to support vaccine distribution. The feds also shelled out another $10 billion to expand access and $3 billion more to spend on an ad campaign to combat vaccine hesitancy — up to and including a campaign to have the mainstream media propagandize the citizens.


In spite of threats, coercion, firings, and even talk of jail, vaccine hesitancy has remained constant for months with nearly 40 percent of Americans choosing to abstain. Now, with the release of Pfizer docs earlier this month, many of the folks who abstained, are patting themselves on the back.


In January, after the FDA and Pfizer received massive backlash for delaying the release of vaccine data for 75 years, U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman ordered the agency to turn over 55,000 pages of vaccine trial data every month. On March 1, that first release came and not a single mainstream outlet reported on it.


Read More: Mandates May No Longer Matter as Scientists Create ‘Contagious’ Vaccines That Spread By Themselves | SGT Report

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