Many Whistleblower Reports Of Vaccine Injuries On Telegram Channel

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Came across this Telegram channel for the Front Line Workers Speak Out an Australian organization similar to Americas Front Line Doctors. On this channel are over 130 whistleblower testimonials from nurses and other health care workers detailing the many vaccine injured patients they have seen. Once you read some of these reports you’ll understand why they don’t want The Jab!

The channel was started 09/22/21. For some reason if you search for the word whistleblower using the search box it only lists posts with that word starting from 11/7/21. The problem is there are over 110 whistleblower reports before then. So you’ll need to scroll all the way to the top then manually scroll down to see these earlier ones. Below is one of the whistleblower reports so you can see what they’re like.

Again here’s the link to their channel.



Whistleblower #0025
Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist, Metropolitan Hospital, NSW.

Hi there,
I am a senior Nurse (CNS2) in a metropolitan hospital, NSW.

My usual role is in Cardiology.
My lengthy career is ending this week, after decades in the acute sector.

I have seen many patients both in ED and Cardiology with vaccine SE’s .
These are LARGELY under-recognised, and RARELY reported. I have told relatives to make their own TGA reports as reporting in the acute sector is NOT HAPPENING.

Doctors are RARELY attributing the various conditions to vaccination, but when you take a history it is very easy to join the dots.

Heart attacks (all ages), acute myocarditis / pericarditis, DRASTIC deterioration in EF (ejection fraction – index of heart’s pumping strength), ie worsening in heart failure.

I understand that many are presenting with strokes, and other neurological complications.

Diabetes has been far more unstable in some, and difficult to manage, with very labile BSLs.

I have seen colleagues with gastrointestinal SE, recurrent pneumonias

Many non- injected, including myself have experienced symptoms from spike protein transmission (shedding).

GI pain (severe), headaches, migraines, sleep disturbance.
I have seen bizarre changes in pathology, huge drops in haemaglobin, and derangements in biochemistry (Na, kidney function).

I had a secondment in Aged Care and after the vaccination was rolled out in Facilities, saw MANY acute deteriorations, with increases in death rates above normal
Loss of speech, loss of mobility, chest infections.

My sister in law works in community aged care, and has seen MANY SE as well. Renal Failure, seizures, acute loss of mobility with resultant falls.
Many of the elderly she has cared for and knows well have had their death hastened, or had to move into residential care as they now cannot manage at home.

Thanks for helping us to get our stories out there.

Social Media: Telegram – Frontline Workers Speak Out!

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