UK Drops Mask Mandates for Schools |

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“At least they’re showing some common sense unlike here in the US.” Admin


Primary and secondary schools in the United Kingdom no longer must follow COVID-19 mitigation measures such as mask mandates.


The U.K.’s Department of Education announced new guidelines last week that said face coverings no longer are advised for students, staff, and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas.


“Our priority is for you to deliver face-to-face, high-quality education to all pupils,” the department said Aug. 17 on its website. “The evidence is clear that being out of education causes significant harm to educational attainment, life chances, mental and physical health.”

The U.K. government continues to recommend face coverings “are worn in enclosed and crowded spaces where you may come into contact with people you don’t normally meet. This includes public transport and dedicated transport to school or college.”


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