Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the NEXT bioweapon to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity – NaturalNews.com

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In a new Brighteon Conversation, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, got the chance to sit down and talk with Dr. Richard Fleming about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And what Fleming had to say about this whole thing is truly eye-opening, including what may be coming next in the plandemic saga.


Fleming has a book coming out this fall, by the way, called Is COVID-19 a bioweapon? A scientific and forensic investigation. It dives deep into many of the topics discussed throughout the interview, which you can watch below:


As an esteemed research scientist, Fleming has been closely tracking all available Chinese Virus data ever since the beginning of the plandemic. He has also been looking into where the virus came from, uncovering ugly truths about how the American government funded it at all with taxpayer dollars.


Watch: Dr. Richard Fleming warns that Fauci, NIH have already developed the NEXT bioweapon to be released with HIV-like capabilities that suppress human immunity – NaturalNews.com

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