CNN Hit Piece on Mercola –

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“Here are the 12 dastardly disinformation agents that our Godless government wants to silence:

1 Joseph Mercola, 2 Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 3 Ty & Charlene Bollinger,
4 Sherri Tenpenny, 5 Rizza Islam, 6 Rashid Buttar, 7 Erin Elizabeth,
8 Sayer Ji, 9 Kelly Brogan, 10 Christiane Northrup, 11 Ben Tapper,
12 Kevin Jenkins”  Admin


According to the powers that be — including the current administration,1 which is taking its talking points from an obscure group funded by dark money, operated by an unregistered foreign agent2 — I am the No. 1 superspreader of COVID-19 misinformation.


This, despite my reach being significantly smaller than mainstream news outlets like ABC World News Tonight and Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, both of which were on the list of the Top 15 Facebook posts in the U.S. questioning the safety of COVID shots from mid-June to mid-July 2021.3


The fact is that most of the people targeted as the Top 12 disinformation spreaders by our sitting president have very limited reach. My guess is a majority of people have never heard of some of them.


Yet, just 12 people are accused of spreading two-thirds of all “vaccine misinformation” without penalty, and the president of the United States is now demanding we be denied our right to free speech and eliminated from the worldwide web.4

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