Information: Basis For Life – Dr. Heinz Lycklama

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Life consists of material (matter & energy) as well as non-material parts (information). We look at the nature of information, machines and programs in writing systems, computer systems, and living systems. Each system requires an intelligent mind and a design, and therefore an intelligent designer. The information and the programs in the human cell are orders of magnitude greater than that of a computer system. Living organisms require information, programs, storage, complexity, and design. We were created by an Intelligent Being (God) and did not get here by random chance natural processes.

Dr. Heinz Lycklama earned a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics (1965) and a Ph. D. degree in experimental Nuclear Physics (1969) from McMaster University in Canada. Since then he has worked in the telecommunications and computer software industries at Bell Telephone Laboratories in NJ and at Interactive Systems Corporation in CA – as an individual contributor and in management positions. In 1992 Dr. Lycklama founded Open Systems Technology Associates (OSTA) to offer his technology management consulting services to various start-ups in the high technology industry. In 2013 Heinz founded the Apologetics Forum to help equip believers in the defense of The Faith.

Being challenged in his Christian faith by what he was taught in university in the 1960’s, Dr. Lycklama has always maintained an active interest in the Creation vs. Evolution controversy. He has developed a series of lectures on Creation vs. Evolution, Christian Apologetics, and Biblical Worldview over the years and presented the material in Sunday school classes, to college students, during church services, at Bible Schools, and other venues in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. With his knowledge of the Bible and science, Dr. Lycklama has continued to develop and present new material in these subject areas.