The Unknown Caller Who Fixed a Family Rift | Guideposts

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When my husband’s father and his wife were visiting us over the summer they got into a spat that dragged me in too. One remark led to another, and I found myself saying things I wished I hadn’t. By the time my in-laws returned to Florida, they had patched things up, but I was on the outs with them.


I wanted to apologize, but instead of picking up the phone I invariably put it off. They probably don’t want to talk to me anyway, I rationalized. But the truth was I couldn’t work up the courage to dial their number. Months went by and I did nothing except pray for guidance.


Then one day I was on the phone with a friend when a number flashed across my brand-new Caller ID screen. It was my in-laws! Was there something wrong? Was it an emergency?


Read More: Mysterious Ways: The Unknown Caller Who Fixed a Family Rift | Guideposts