Why Genesis is Truly History - Hebraist Steve Boyd
What does the original Hebrew text reveal about Genesis 1-11? - Dr. Steve Boyd
What is the Importance of Genesis Today? - Dr. George Grant
This is how Genesis impacts our view of Time, History, & Science - Dr. George Grant
The Extraordinary Design of the Universe - Dr. Danny Faulkner
What is the Light Travel-Time Problem? And what about the Big Bang? - Dr. Danny Faulkner
Where was the Tower of Babel? - Dr. Douglas Petrovich
What is the Septuagint? How Does It Explain Archaeological Chronology? - Dr. Doug Petrovich
Why Did the Church Switch from Believing in Creation to Evolution? - Dr. Douglas Kelly
Why should we believe Genesis is history? - Dr. Douglas Kelly
How do we answer some of the most common questions about Genesis? - Dr. Douglas Kelly
How can we tell if Genesis is a historical narrative? - Douglas Kelly
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