Glycine Quells Oxidative Damage by Inhibiting NOX Superoxide Production and Boosting NADPH

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By Dr. Mercola

As you probably know, inflammation and oxidative damage are primary drivers of most chronic diseases. What you may not be aware of is the importance of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrogen (NADPH) and NADPH oxidase, typically abbreviated as NOX, in these processes.

In a recent paper,1 James DiNicolantonio, who also co-wrote my latest book “Superfuel,” details the importance of collagen and glycine for the inhibition of NADPH breakdown. DiNicolantonio, who also has a new book with Jason Fung, called “The Longevity Solution,” takes a deep dive into how collagen and glycine may help promote longevity.

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Source: mercola


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