8 Toxic Toothpaste Ingredients Disrupting Your Thyroid, Endocrines and Hormones

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By Edgar Agorist

Source: 8 Toxic Toothpaste Ingredients Disrupting Your Thyroid, Endocrines and Hormones For more content like this visit REALfarmacy.com.

Conventional toothpaste is full of toxins that make your teeth look pretty and feel clean while they slowly erode the tooth enamel and gums. Conventional whitening toothpastes are very toxic to the mouth. All of the conventional brands and many of the “natural” brands put chemicals in their toothpaste that no one would ever knowingly [&hellip

Source: 8 Toxic Toothpaste Ingredients Disrupting Your Thyroid, Endocrines and Hormones Learn more at REALfarmacy.com – Healthy News and Information.

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