8 Paracord Tricks You Never Knew – The Organic Prepper

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Paracord was first used as the suspension lines in parachutes, and when paratroopers hit the ground, they found a multitude of uses for it. Paracord has been a popular cordage option among outdoorsmen and survivalists for decades, but in recent years its popularity grew with the rise of survival-based television shows, movies, and YouTube videos.


Just as the case is with all tools and gear, paracord isn’t the perfect option for all situations and environments. Based on the circumstances you find yourself in, there are some disadvantages to it. Having said that, paracord is some amazing cordage due to its size, strength, and versatility. There are a lot of things that paracord can do, and some of them you may not even be aware of.


Here are eight things you didn’t know you could do with paracord…


Read More: 8 Paracord Tricks You Never Knew – The Organic Prepper

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