8 Home Remedies for Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis)

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By Alijuina Herw

Gastroenteritis is actually the formal medical term for stomach flu, also known as gastric flu or stomach virus. Bacterial gastroenteritis is also known as “food poisoning” and is caused by food that has been prepared or stored improperly. Stomach flu is very common in adults and children and can be transferred from one person to another. It spreads through contract with the stomach flu patients and their used possessions.

Stomach flu symptoms include:

-Vomit or stool that contains blood
-Long-duration vomiting, such as more than 48 hours
-Fever that is 101 degrees F. or more than this
-Abdominal swelling

8 Home Remedies for Stomach Flu

Chamomile tea

Chamomile …read more

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