Huge Asteroid Capable of Wiping Out An Entire Country Is On Near-collision course With Earth

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“There will come a time as pictured in the book of Revelation that a massive space object will hit the Earth by plunging into an ocean. One can only imagine what devastation that will create.”  Admin

If the 2014-YB35 asteroid hit Earth it could wipe out a country

Near miss: Asterid 2014-YB35 is due to skim earth on friday

A mammoth asteroid measuring 1,000-metre wide in on course to narrowly miss Earth within days, NASA predicts.

The object called ‘2014-YB35’ is predicted to skim the Earth on Friday travelling at more than 23,000 mph in space.

It is not unusual for small meteorites to pass close by, however one of this size is a very rare occurrence and poses a very real threat, an expert told the Express.

Any impact would trigger devastating changes in the climate, earthquakes and tsunamis.

Bill Napier, professor of astronomy at the University of Buckinghamshire, told the Express there is a “very real risk” of a comet or damaging asteroid hitting Earth.

He said: “With something like YB35, we are looking at a scale of global destruction, something that would pose a risk to the continuation of the planet.

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