3 Mysterious Stories of Divine Phone Calls | Guideposts

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I was sitting by my mother’s hospital bed, comforting her in her last moments. It was bittersweet. I was glad to be by her side—a chance I hadn’t had when my father died three years earlier—but I was heartbroken at the same time. I looked in my purse for my cell phone to find some soothing music to play—a request she’d made while she was still lucid. It took me a minute to find the device. I dug it out of my bag and opened the music app.


When I had the music playing softly, I took Mom’s hand. “I’ll always love you,” I said to her. “Don’t be afraid to move on. You’ll be with Dad again. You—”


A jarring ringtone cut off the music. Unbelievable! It had to be a wrong number.


Read More: 3 Mysterious Stories of Divine Phone Calls | Guideposts