2021 Annual State Vaccine Legislation Report – NVIC Newsletter

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“To see what is going on in your state regarding vaccine legislation check out the info in this article.”  Admin


2021 has been a most extraordinary year, and the filing and passage of state-based vaccine legislation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be historic as well.


Even in spite of the sometimes divisive and hostile political climate, active citizen involvement in the legislative process to protect the human right to exercise informed consent to vaccination was the most successful it has ever been.


The non-profit educational charity National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) reports that during the 2021 legislative session, NVIC analyzed, tracked and issued positions on an unprecedented 473 vaccine related bills in 49 states through the NVIC Advocacy Portal. This was the highest number of bills in the history of NVIC’s advocacy program, which was established in 2010, and more than double the bills last year.


Read/Watch: 2021 Annual State Vaccine Legislation Report – NVIC Newsletter

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